Bokio Partner Programme

Get to know our incentive programme for accountants using Bokio

How does commission work?

With our loyalty programme you get commission when you add paying clients to Bokio
5-10 clients

Bronze Bronze

5+ clients

  • £40/£80 onboarding bonus, depending on plan purchased
  • 10% commission on price plan fees
10-20 clients

Silver Silver

10-20 clients

  • £40/£80 onboarding bonus, depending on plan purchased
  • 20% commission on price plan fees
From 20 clients

Gold Gold

From 20 clients

  • £40/£80 onboarding bonus, depending on plan purchased
  • 30% commission on price plan fees

Get more clients with Bokio

Bokio users are small businesses and sole traders from across the UK.

When you have 5 or more clients in Bokio we can list your practice on our website so that users can contact you directly for a quote.

With more than 22,000 users, there’s a great demand for assistance and quality assurance among British business owners in Bokio. Being part of our Partner Programme makes it easy for potential clients to find you.

Dedicated support

Accounting support for help with getting started, accounting in Bokio, or any other questions.

Partner Programme logo

Get a Partner Programme logo to display on your website to get even more trust from your clients.

Get in touch

Leave your information here and we'll be in touch to discuss how we can work together


How do I get started?

Contact us at and we will be in touch to help you get started in our Practice Manager and discuss the Partner Programme.

How often is commission paid?

Commission will be paid on a quarterly basis based on the clients you have in Bokio Practice Manager.

How does the Partner Programme work?

There will be a contract to sign that we will send to you once we've been in touch to discuss the programme.

We will contact you confirming how much commission you are entitled to and then you will send us an invoice based on this.

How is the amount of clients calculated?

The number of clients in each tier is based on paying clients in Bokio Practice Manager only.

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