Record expenses
Once an expense has been uploaded in Bokio [Upload expenses] it’s time for the administrator to record the receipt or invoice. If your account has permission to approve expenses and to record transactions then the process of recording expenses will both approve the expense as well as record the expense.
Step 1: To do list
Receipts uploaded by employees in Bokio appear on the administrator’s To do list. It’s from here that you record the expense item.
In the 3rd column in the To do list you can see the name of the employee who has uploaded the receipt. Click on the line to record the receipt using Bokio’s modern bookkeeping.
Step 2: Entering records in Bokio’s smart bookkeeping
You should select the record template in the first step. Click on the template you want to use and you’ll proceed automatically to the next step.
Here you get an overview of the information that the employee (the user who uploaded the expenses) has entered. These fields are locked and can be changed only by the person who uploaded the expense item. Carefully check that date and amount are correct. If something doesn’t match, you can ask the employee to go into “My expenses” and edit the expense item. The administrator cannot do this.
If the expense item contains several different types of purchases or items with different VAT rates, click “Add category” to enter bookkeeping records using multiple bookkeeping templates.
As you can see, the payment account is also locked. All expenses are recorded automatically as a liability against account 2510. Once payment to the employee is made and recorded, this is offset by debiting account 2510 and crediting the payment account that the money is paid out of (e.g. company account 1200).
In the last step you can see a preview of the journal entry as normal. Here too the line for account 2500 is locked. To record the expense item, click “OK, record!”.
Step 3: See the status of the expense item
Once the receipt is recorded, the status will change from “Awaiting approval” to “Approved” in All expenses. Only the administrator can see this.
If the employee goes into “My expenses”, the status will be “Approved”.
The next step is to schedule payment of the expense item.