Get started with Zettle in Bokio
The Zettle integration will automatically record journal entries in Bokio based on events in your Zettle account. Here's how to get started.
Step 1: Navigate to Zettle integration
Navigate to the Zettle integration in the page navigation under Additional Services → Integrations
Step 2: Select account
The first time you register in Zettle, you select the payment account in Bokio that Zettle pays the money collected from card sales to, for example, 1200.
Step 3: Select the date of import
Choose the date you would like to import journal entries from, and Zettle will start importing Zettle events from this date. It must be a date in the past.
Step 4: Click Connect to Zettle and import
Click the Connect and Import button from Zettle to import events. Journal entries will be recorded for Zettle events from the selected date, even if you have already recorded these events.
Step 5: Log in to Zettle
You will be navigated to a window where Zettle will ask you to log in. Enter your Zettle username and password here and click log in.
Step 6: Accept connection
Approve the integration between Bokio and Zettle.
You will then be shown the following page and journal entries will appear once they have been fetched.